It was all working correctly and then suddenly elements in the live pages seem to have stopped functioning properly. The database pages all operate ok in preview mode in the editor
but some elements do not work in the live mode.
I am using code to disable and enable the functions of the buttons:
The buttons work in preview mode but not on the published site.
I built the code a while back so I am struggling to troubleshoot
especially as it works in preview…
import {local} from “wix-storage”;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;
const linkField1 = “link-Sales-Notes-jobLog”; // replace this value
const linkField2 = “link-Sales-Fitters-jobDescription”; // replace this value
const jobdesc = “link-Sales-Description-jobDescription”; // replace this value
$w(“#dynamicDataset”).onReady( () => {
//assign the hasDoc variable the value of the field that holds the document in the current item of the dataset.
const q = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().quoteDocument;
const q1 = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().suppliedDrawings;
const q2 = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().associatedDocument1;
const q3 = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().materialsList;
const q4 = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().workingsOut;
const q5 = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().associatedDocument2;
if (q) { //check if hasDoc is true
$w(“#quotedoc”).show(); //enable the button
else { //check if haDoc is false
$w(“#quotedoc”).hide(); //change the button label
if (q1) { //check if hasDoc is true
$w(“#drawings”).show(); //enable the button
else { //check if haDoc is false
$w(“#drawings”).hide(); //change the button label
if (q2) { //check if hasDoc is true
$w(“#risk1”).show(); //enable the button
else { //check if haDoc is false
$w(“#risk1”).hide(); //change the button label
if (q3) { //check if hasDoc is true
$w(“#materials”).show(); //enable the button
else { //check if haDoc is false
$w(“#materials”).hide(); //change the button label
if (q4) { //check if hasDoc is true
$w(“#working”).show(); //enable the button
else { //check if haDoc is false
$w(“#working”).hide(); //change the button label
if (q5) { //check if hasDoc is true
$w(“#method”).show(); //enable the button
else { //check if haDoc is false
$w(“#method”).hide(); //change the button label
there are other buttons also not functioning on the published site
i wonder if i can get some advice on what is wrong with my code for the next and previous buttons
it may help me sort out the other buttons - rather than just changing the format of how those buttons work
by linking them to the database using the editor
i dont understand how things can work in preview and not in live.
all buttons were functioning in live and I haven’t changed the code
Loading the code for the Sales (Title) page. To debug this code, open zli93.js in Developer Tools.
Wix code SDK error: The “src” property cannot be set to “”. It must be a valid URL starting with “http://”, “https://”, or “image://”.
i believe this relates to some dynamic image links on the page (these also dont work)
in my browser on the live page I get error:
Loading the code for the Database Table page. To debug this code, open a6zn9.js in Developer Tools. wixcode-worker.js:1:17682
undefined QuotaExceededError - app storage limit is 50kb wixcode-worker.js:1:17682
Loading the code for the Sales (Title) page. To debug this code, open zli93.js in Developer Tools. wixcode-worker.js:1:17682
Wix code SDK error: The “src” property cannot be set to “”. It must be a valid URL starting with “http://”, “https://”, or “image://”. wixcode-worker.js:1:17682
undefined QuotaExceededError - app storage limit is 50kb wixcode-worker.js:1:17682
I have a site with dynamic pages and for some reason, the entire site comes up blank (all pages, not just Dynamic) on microsoft edge browser. I just saw in the wix resources that ADI isn’t viewable on microsoft edge, is there any code or something i can do to have it show up on this search platform? I would hate to move my whole site to another platform because of this.