Ive coded a simple code for counting the total number of items in my database and the total quantity. Then return the result in a text. The code shows the result in the preview mode but it does not show it in the live site. The text remains the same.
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(function () {
export function button4_click(event) {
.then ((total) => {
$w('#text18').text = total.toString();
.sum("bigKraft", "sumB")
.sum("smallKraft", "sumS")
.then((result) => {
var bigKraft = result.items[0].sumB;
var smallKraft = result.items[0].sumS;
$w('#text19').text = bigKraft.toString ();
$w('#text20').text = smallKraft.toString ();
live and Preview screenshots after submit a new data.