Live site problems

Hi, I have problems with the live site, it doesnt work as the “preview” shows in the editor.
I have a table and I do query to get the DB from the collection.
when I try to insert a new row or to edit or to remove specific row it works perfectly in the preview but not in the live site . also the UI of the table looks different in the preview and the live site . what am I doing wrong?
thank you in advance.
This is the main page:
// API Reference: Introduction - Velo API Reference -
// “Hello, World!” Example: Velo Learning Center

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’
// …

let rows = ; //holds an aray of items for the table’s rows

//fetchs data from the DB and place it in the table
const getTableData = () => {
wixData . query ( “COURSE” )
. find ()
. then (( results ) => {
if ( results . items . length > 0 ) {
rows = results . items ;
console . log ( ‘items’ , rows );
//const rows
rows . forEach ( row => {
row . edit = ‘Edit’
row . delete = ‘Delete’
//show the datsbase by the rows
$w ( “#tableMembers” ). rows = rows ;
$w ( “#tableMembers” ). show ();
. catch (( error ) => {
let errorMsg = error . message ;
console . log ( errorMsg );
let code = error . code ;
console . log ( code )


$w . onReady ( function () {

//set the table's columns    
$w ( "#tableMembers" ). columns  = [{ 
        "id" :  "edit" , 
        "dataPath" :  "edit" , 
        "label" :  "" , 
        "visible" :  **true** , 
        "type" :  "string" , 
        "id" :  "delete" , 
        "dataPath" :  "delete" , 
        "label" :  "" , 
        "visible" :  **true** , 
        "type" :  "string" , 
        "id" :  "col3" , 
        "dataPath" :  "crsTopic" , 
        "label" :  "נושא הקורס" , 
        "visible" :  **true** , 
        "type" :  "string" , 
        "linkPath" :  "link-field-or-property" 
        "id" :  "col2" , 
        "dataPath" :  "crs_name" , 
        "label" :  "שם הקורס" , 
        "visible" :  **true** , 
        "type" :  "string" , 
        "linkPath" :  "link-field-or-property" 
        "id" :  "col1" ,  // ID of the column for code purposes 
        // The field key in the collection whose data this column displays   
        "dataPath" :  "title" , 
        "label" :  "מספר הקורס" ,  // The column header 
        "width" :  100 ,  // Column width 
        "type" :  "string" ,  // Data type for the column 
        // Path for the column if it contains a link   
        "linkPath" :  "link-field-or-property" 


// Display the query results in the table 
getTableData (); 

//open a lightbox for adding a new row
$w ( “#btnNew” ). onClick (() => {
wixWindow . openLightbox ( ‘New&EditCourse’ ). then (( toInsert ) => {
console . log ( toInsert );
//adding a new row to the DB
wixData . insert ( ‘COURSE’ , toInsert )
. then (() => {
console . log ( ‘wixData.insert’ );
getTableData ();
. catch (( error ) => {
console . error ( error );
//listen to click on cells & let user edit table’s data
$w ( “#tableMembers” ). onCellSelect (( event ) => {
const cellData = event . cellData
const rowIndex = event . cellRowIndex ;
const rowData = rows [ rowIndex ];
//if the clicked cell is the “edit” action
if ( cellData === ‘Edit’ ) {
wixWindow . openLightbox ( ‘New&EditCourse’ , rowData ). then (( toUpdate ) =>{
//update the current row in the DB
wixData . update ( ‘COURSE’ , toUpdate )
. then (() => {
getTableData ();
. catch (( err ) => {
console . error ( err );

    //if the clicked cell is the "delete" action 
    **else if**  ( cellData  ===  'Delete' ) { 
        wixWindow . openLightbox ( 'deleteCourse' ). then (( confirm ) => { 
            //if the user confirmed deletion 
            if  ( confirm ) { 
                wixData . remove ( "COURSE" ,  rowData . _id ). then ( getTableData ) 
                    . catch (( err ) => { 
                        console . error ( err ); 



Hi there @naominbal :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Have you checked that you have enough permissions to access the collection on the live site? Try to access the page with an admin account, if it works, then you need to get back to your collection and adjust its permissions to allow " Anyone " to read its content.