Help! I’m confused…
I have created a custom Paid Plans subscription flow that works fine (for new members).
The problem I face now is this:- I offer 3 Plans (A/B/C). Let’s say A = Free / B = Monthly / C = annual.
I want to provide a simple UI that can allow a member to change their Plan easily.
I have created a web page which shows the member their current subscription details, and displays a menu of the 2 available Plans.
If the user clicks on one of those available plans, I can then lead them through the purchase flow to subscribe them into the new Plan they just chose. All works fine so far…
Once the new Plan has been successfully subscribed, I then need to “Unsubscribe” that member from their previous Plan. This is where I am confused. It seems I can use wix-paid-plans.cancelOrder() - but does cancelling an Order actually cancel in full all future subscriptions to that particular Plan?
For example - if a member already subscribes to Plan B (monthly) and then chooses to upgrade to Plan C (annual), I can easily process the order for Plan C - but how do I code to cancel all future subscriptions to Plan B ** Does cancelOrder() actually mean “cancel this Plan from now onwards…” ??
I would also be grateful for a description of the differences between:-
wix-paid-plans.getCurrentMemberOrders( )
wix-users.User. getPricingPlans( )
Just can’t get my head round it!