Manipulate the index of a Wix Pro Gallery

Hello everyone,
I currently swapped the og Wix Gallery for the Wix Pro Gallery in my website to have more custom options and also seems to load faster and better in the mobile version, but I faced some problems as I set autoplay and autopause functions in the og Wix Gallery and they both seem not to be compatible with the Wix Pro Gallery. Is it possible to manipulate the gallery index?

Wix Editor, Wix Pro Gallery

What are you trying to achieve:
As said above, I need to manipulate the gallery index with a timer.

What have you already tried:
These are the functions that work with the og Wix Gallery:

export function gallery_mouseIn(event) {

export function gallery_mouseOut(event) {

//I have a logo in the bottom right of the gallery and wanted the code to work even when the mouse is on the logo
export function picLogo_mouseIn(event) {

export function picLogo_mouseOut(event) {

Also this is what I tried with the new Wix Pro Gallery, tested both in the onReady function and in the exported functions of the gallery:

let intervalID; //Id of the interval
function startAutoPlay()
	intervalID = setInterval($w("#gallery").next, 5000); // Advance every 5 seconds
function stopAutoPlay()

Additional information:
Both the codes seem not to work and seems like the APIs and/or functions aren’t compatible with the Wix Pro Gallery, as both the functions aren’t working.
So I guess there is no solution at the moment until they make Wix Pro Gallery compatible with the APIs.

Everything what you can do with Wix-Pro-Gallaries using CODE, you will find here…