Wix Pro Gallery questions how do I?

I’m using the pro gallery widget in Wix Studio, to show a series of images. But I have a few customizations I cant seem to be able to find in the settings:

I would like to have no transition effect. Kinda like what cross fade does but more brutally

I would like for the gallery to have no button, but when you click on it, it changes to the next image.

I would like to have a image counter at the bottom showing current image over total number of image i.e. 1/5 one being the first image on the gallery 5 the total number of images.

I have tried to use the AI function but the code it gives me for both the click to slide and the image counter are not working.

* Code added by AI Assistant
* Prompt: When I click on the gallery I want it to slide to the next image
$w('#imggallery').onItemClicked(() => {
$w.onReady(() => {
    // Wait for the dataset to load
    $w("#dataset1").onReady(() => {
        const gallery = $w("#imggallery");
        const counterText = $w("#counter1");

        // Get the total number of items in the #materials column
        const totalImages = $w("#dataset1").getTotalCount();

        // Function to update the counter
        const updateCounter = () => {
            // Get the current index from the dataset (zero-based index)
            const currentIndex = $w("#dataset1").getCurrentItemIndex() + 1; // Convert to one-based index
            counterText.text = `${currentIndex}/${totalImages}`;

        // Initialize the counter when the dataset is ready

        // Listen for changes in the current index of the dataset
        $w("#dataset1").onCurrentIndexChanged(() => {

Hi, Michele_Simonetti !!

For that purpose, it might be better to use a slideshow repeater instead of a Pro Gallery. You just need to display one image at a time, right? First, add a slideshow repeater to the editor.

Next, open the settings for the slideshow repeater. Hide the navigation buttons, configure the transition settings if necessary, turn off auto-play, and enable infinite looping. Finally, add the following Velo code, and you’re all set! :wink: :raised_hands:

$w.onReady(async function () {




Thank you for you reply, I’ve tried this work around, but the slideshows repeater won’t let me connect to a CMS gallery, just single images.
It’s my fault, I forgot to mention that I’m putting this in a dynamic page.

If you don’t mind, could you please explain the operational image in detail once again? :thinking:

Basically I want to make a gallery on a dynamic page to display project images.
I have a CMS dataset organized by rows, each row is a project, and for every project I have the same columns (drawings, images, Title etc). Each dynamic page pulls the data for the gallery from a CMS list.

The reason why I was using the Pro gallery widget, is because it allows me to connect to a media gallery in the CMS, while the slideshow repeater allows just single image.

I see, I understand. Personally, I’m not very fond of using galleries, so if I were to implement this myself, I would consider using a slideshow repeater. However, I assume you wouldn’t want to disrupt your current CMS data structure, so I’ll try to come up with a method that utilizes a gallery instead. :thinking:

However, I don’t think there’s much that needs to be done. While I can’t say for certain since I don’t recall doing this often, it should be possible to inject items into the Pro Gallery via a dataset connection through manual operations in the editor, followed by writing just a little bit of code.

The main reason your code isn’t working is probably related to the .onItemClicked() event. From what I remember, there’s a bug in this event that Wix has left unresolved. This could be causing .next() not to trigger, resulting in the functionality not working. (Apologies if I’m mistaken! :melting_face:)

For now, please try testing with just this code to see if it works.

$w('#imggallery').onClick(() => {

    if($w('#imggallery').navigateNextEnabled()) {
