Member to member contact + private messageboard forum

Hi Everyone,

Merry Xmas!
There are some modifications I want to make to my wix website, I put an ad out on airtasker for someone to do these modifications and came back with a lot of people saying it wasn’t possible on wix.
But surely with wix code it would be possible? Can anyone help me out here?
All I want is:

  1. For members to be able to PM/contact eachother. So on their individual profiles a contact form that links either to their e-mail address or just notifies them within the website
  2. For the following/followed button to be gone
  3. For there to be a calendar management module available on members profiles to show their availability
  4. The option for any member to make a category or post in the forum that is only viewable to certain other members of their choosing, not all members.

If anyone can help me at all, this would be so very appreciated.



Regarding 1 and 4, see here our coming soon features.

Regarding 2: can you please explain a bit more about the need? in general, you can hide buttons almost on every condition.
Regarding 3: This is not trivial, and will take some coding. I think you need to define better what you want to achieve.
Also, have a look at Wix Booking in the app store.


Hi there! I guess it has been a year since this post. Is it possible to now have member to member contact without displaying all their info?