I see this is a “coming soon” feature and I hope it helps me do what ive been trying to do for weeks!
Any news on where this is at in the cue and when it might be ready for rollout?
Thank you wix!
I see this is a “coming soon” feature and I hope it helps me do what ive been trying to do for weeks!
Any news on where this is at in the cue and when it might be ready for rollout?
Thank you wix!
Dont know if i got your topic right but you can already build something in that direction by restricting the access to a page and make a login/registration as requirements.
Very soon …
If you explain a bit of what you are trying to accomplish … I can hint what direction you should take
#totallycodable #codequeen
Hi Nayeli,
I always look forward to the updates since they tend to be pretty thoughtful!
Meantime, that would be awesome if you could lend some direction. ( I have looked through your videos btw, thank you!) I’ve created a few posts outlining my past efforts and attempts but still seem to be missing something in the replies there…
I’d like suppliers to be able to offer directly through my site and have their own dashboard of sorts, hence members area. Rather than go on about my full vision the below is nearby need:
1.) Members create a profile that they can update that displays on dynamic pages on my site - check, I understand and get this…
2.) Ive tried to make it possible for members to also update their “offers” on the same dynamic page as their profile info. Alternatively, Ive also tried to create a seperate page accessible only after the user logs in and Ive done this but my button always issues 404 likely because the user or my code has not created any offers as of yet.
The idea here is that user inputs feed into a table filtered by “_owner” and only the owner can update. Ive gotten really close here, but either the “_owner” filter works or doesnt , or the input does not save though all permissions are set correctly. To note, I am working with a “members” collection and also an “offers” collection and dont want to consolidate the two.
3.) The member offers are also displayed in tables on various places on the site that are viewable by anyone and as an aggregate of all supplier offers. The member offers are also displayed per supplier on their dynamic page and again filtered by type.
Check my other post links in case it gives you a clearer picture of what Im trying to accomplish and I sincerely thank you for any help you can lend!!
Try this …
For your first database …When a member signs up for the first time for their dynamic page … Create a form with something like this:
Etc. Then when they enter their dashboard, add user input elements so that member can update ALL fields EXCEPT their username. Use a text element to display username only. Add a note like “this cannot be changed, please contact us if you would like to change it” etc. Got it? In this database add an extra column/field, call it something like Reference… then for the type of field select ‘Reference’ … then select Offers database … and save.
For your second database … the offers … make permissions: Member Write, Member Author Edit, Anyone Read, Delete (your choice). Add another reference column in this one (just in case we need it later). This one should have fields like:
Name of offer
Inside of your dynamic member profile page … add a 2nd dataset (because dataset #1 was connected to your user input elements for their profile) … Connect the 2nd dataset to a table … add a filter on that database … filter connects through ‘reference’ field and set it so that username from offers IS (equal to) username from Profiles database.
Create a normal dnamic page for the offers, so when they click on the table … they will open up that page. And I think you got the other easy stuff after that …
Happy Coding
Code Queen Nayeli
P.S. Don’t forget to join my FB group if you haven’t already. www.facebook.com/groups/wixcode
Thank you for this. I get the logic and am implementing away… BUT, funny/sad thing is that im stuck on the first line! Is it possible to customize the fields on the Wix Signup page? (see screen shot below) I didnt think so? Maybe I am missing the point of your suggestion…
As it should, the Wix Signup email field populates my dynamic member profile page and “profile” collection, but where/how are you suggesting to have a “username” input field that populates the same dynamic member profile page as a text element? To cover all the bases, Ill share that I’m looking at the dynamic profile page as the place where the user updates their profile and makes offers also. (Ive got a seperate public facing dynamic page presenting the member profile as well as an aggregate of offers. )
I actually arrived at the final destination in your outline without using references which I am hopeful will solve the challenge I am having. So, rehash: dynamic member page = d. member profile that allows for member updates. D. Member page also has inputs for making offers and a table (thats suppose to be) connected to those offers filter by what i hope to be “username.” To note, the inputs werent saving though permissions were correct; updates to filter of my table was also not working. Additionally and perhaps a mission critical challenge, there is space for 5 offer items but all 5 offers populate with the same information when 1 is filled out… also not sure why?
"When a member signs up for the first time for their dynamic page … Create a form with something like this:
Signup pop up cannot be customized yet. That is just the wix app.
What you want to customize is this … Velo Tutorial: Building Your Own Members Area | Help Center | Wix.com and follow my video if needed … 2017 Create Member Profile Log In Page - Custom Private Client Member Dashboard - Wix Code - YouTube
Following that article … it has 1 login button and 1 profile button … well instead of adding the profile button … create that mini form that i was talking about … (the same way that the original profile button was hidden … hide the form elements so they are only visible when the person is signed in)
hmm… ok, will try that work around for now and will keep a look out for a better solution also. thank you again!
This is the place where I fell off:-)
From Code Queen Nayeli " Following that article … it has 1 login butto n… "
I have made this login button, but when not logged in user clicks that button, the Wix app standard login form shows up.
When using “WixUsers”, it redirects to the Wix contacts database =The Wix members area? And not to my newly created members database (“members_collection”)
And this code :
// prompt the user to log in
wixUsers.promptLogin( {“mode”: “login”} ) .then( (user) => { userId = user.id; return user.getEmail();
" wixUsers.promptLogin " force the wix login app?
I want to check MY database for the user, not in the WIX members area. (this WIX way - for a hazzle free experience for my members, I have to manually log in as each member, with their emailadress and create a dummy password)
So my question is:
How can I omit the wixUsers promt login?
I would like to create a member page, on which other members (who first need to login) can view other member’s information like name, email, phone, occupation etc.
And automate it, so members are prompted to fill out their personal information in a standard template.
The screenshot below shows that only the ‘site member author’ can read this content, can this setting be changed to all site members?