Membership Feature

Hello community,
I am currently helping a client build a website on Wix, but he wants a feature to be added in such a way that he wants visitors to have access to particular paid membership content for 24 hours before they would have to pay for it

Is it possible?

“Yes, but what I’m asking you is if you can allow the first 24 hours to be free, and then it becomes paid. That is, allow them to try the service.”

According to him, this is what he wants, is it possible?

You can add membership subscription plans for your site member connected with Wix Member Area app.
Use Wix Booking app
Wix Bookings: Creating a Membership Plan | Help Center |
You can turn on the “Try For Free” feature while creating a plan.
I hope this is what your client want.

I have been wrestling with the membership features that are being recommended to you and it leaves a great deal to be desired. I’m about ready to abandon wix altogether for these membership features. Some of the things my people are struggling with:

  • Memberships can be purchased, but in order to have free access to events (which my members get), then they have to log in and run through some klunky process to register for the event. It’s not user-friendly at all.