Hi everyone im trying to create on my wix site a database which i previously convert from excel into a CSV file. The database has allready over 350 entries for example NAME, SUBURB, Email etc etc…
What im trying to do is make a input entry for all signed up members using the wix member login. And after they are signed up via that they can then add new info etc into a MEMBER database that we have been using in excel for ages. We are a camping group.
the image above is a test of what ive been able to achieve so far not all data has been inputted when i was trailing data input via the page below
The form ive made above is connected to the data base and does submit and works.
The question i have is i have a rolling member number and i already have 350 members which ive inputed the selected data from a CSV file so what im trying to achieve is that when i hit submit that it then inputs data into database and automatically create next number being member number 351 or so on and that once ive hit submit also that it returns on the screen that it will say.
Thankyou for registering . Your member number is 351 etc
And also once this has been submitted that person can only submit one membership form and then from there they can only edit details from going forward MINUS the membership number…
Hope i havent confused the crap outta you all
any help or love thanks
just quickly as you can see when i hit submit that data is on the top line ^ .and im after it to submit and goto the newest member number for me its 351 and then the next person who registers 352 and so on