I am able to text align my main (horizontal) menu entries to left, right, center. However the drop down menu text will be the same as the main menu entries. I want to text align center the main menu entries and left align the drop down entries and it appears that this cannot be done. To get around this limitation, I then created my own menu system the way that I want it to appear using some simple code and css in an inline frame. This works exactly as I want it to work…except none of the links work. I can see the name of the pages, however it appears that the ‘real’ names are similar to the image names…and are not accessible…or am I doing something funadmentally wrong? Here is a snipit of my code;
I have a page called “terms & conditions” which wix appears to interpret as “terms-conditions” so that is what I have used in my link. However I still get a “resource not found error” Any ideas?