Mobile menu bugs

Anyone have a fix for when you open the mobile menu and the site’s scrollbar dissapears, meaning everything jumps to the right when you engage the menu? So weird. The menu could pop out over the top of the website, leaving the scrollbar intact, solving the issue, but i can’t see how to do that. Any ideas?

Also, even though i have a seperate button to close the mobile menu, it doesn’t display when the menu is open. It does in the editor, but when i preview it or see it live, the normal hamburger icon shows instead.

Seems the mobile menu in general is really quite buggy. Wish there was a simple option to animate the hamburger icon to change into the close icon, you know, like you could in Wix… very strange to have to have 2 buttons and faff around trying to align them. In fact, by default editor x has the open and close buttons on opposite sides of the screen. Clanky bit of UX there…