Hi, I’m new to EditorX. Wondering why the mobile view is loading extremely slowly and displaying in the desktop format.
Also wondering how can I view elements again if I’ve hidden them by clicking don’t display?
Thank you.
Hi, I’m new to EditorX. Wondering why the mobile view is loading extremely slowly and displaying in the desktop format.
Also wondering how can I view elements again if I’ve hidden them by clicking don’t display?
Thank you.
Hey @nasraho !
I’m Miri from the EditorX product team.
First of all, welcome!
Regrading the mobile loading time, can you please share your site and elaborate what is loading slowly (the editor, the live site or a specific page?)
Regarding how to view hidden elements - you can use the layers panel on the left to see hidden elements and to display them again (by clicking on the eye icon):
Hope this helps.
Have a great day!
Hi Miri @miril
Thanks for your help.
Also wondering -
How can I change the order the pages are listed on via the hamburger menu on mobile view? I need to rearrange the order they show up in.
How do I add images to a footer and also have it visible only on certain pages?
Thank you again.
Hey @nasraho ,
Hope it helps
Hi @miril sorry for troubling you again but I’ve sorted the graphics etc to expedite the loading time but my photo portfolio on mobile is still loading in the desktop format, despite me clearing the cache and trying loading it on multiple smartphones - the site is here www.NasrahOmar.com
I am having the same issue. The mobile version is loading only after reloading 3-4 times. The viewport for the mobile version seems almost double that of what it should be, thereby making the site scroll horizontally which shouldn’t happen.
Hi, thank you for sharing.
Can you please submit a bug via the “Help & Feedback” dropdown in the topbar?
This will help us make sure we have good channel to communicate with you about the issue.
In safari on the phone press the two A’s next to url then press request mobile website