More than one staff

Hi, it would be awesome to be able to add more than one staff member to classes. That way, my employees could get all of their classes synched with their calendar. #featurerequest


Great feature request!

Ahh! I like this. Bookings now has code. Have you looked into that? :slight_smile:

Going off the previous reply, you can refer to our round table on Wix Bookings Code integration here:

Hope this information helps! :smiling_face:

I will look into it for sure, thank you. Even if I am not a code expert :wink:

Not a code expert at all, but I will look into it. Thanks !

Don’t worry. We are cooking some things up to make it super easy to have these types of additions to your site without having to code. And remember - a lot of this can be done without code in general.

@brett Awesome news !!!

Hey Carl! No need to be a code expert :), we have a lot of great resource including some tutorials from our very own community members that you can learn from.

You may want to check out some of the videos from the code queen! Here’s the link to her channel:
