Multi-State-Box Button Color

Hi together,

I running the following code for a Tab Menu. The Code runs perfectly on Wix Editor but not on Editor X. Can someone Help?

$w . onReady ( function () {

const  blackColor  =  "#000000" ; 
const  textColorActive  =  "#FFFFFF" ; 

const  whiteColor  =  "#FFFFFF" ; 
const  textColorInactive  =  "#000000" ; 

$w ( '#firstButton' ). onClick (() => { 
    $w ( '#stateElementId' ). changeState ( "firstState" ); 

$w ( '#secondButton' ). onClick (() => { 
    $w ( '#stateElementId' ). changeState ( "secondState" ); 

$w ( '#thirdButton' ). onClick (() => { 
    $w ( '#stateElementId' ). changeState ( "thirdState" ); 

$w ( '#fourthButton' ). onClick (() => { 
    $w ( '#stateElementId' ). changeState ( "fourthState" ); 

$w ( "#stateElementId" ). onChange (( event ) => { 

    const  buttonNames  = [ "first" ,  "second" ,  "third" ,  "fourth" ]; 

    buttonNames . forEach ( buttonName  => { 
        let  button  =  $w ( "#"  +  buttonName  +  "Button" ); 
        let  state  =  buttonName  +  "State" ; 

        if  ( event . target . currentState . id  ===  state ) { 
            button . style . backgroundColor  =  blackColor ; 
            button . style . color  =  textColorActive ; 
        }  **else**  { 
            button . style . backgroundColor  =  whiteColor ; 
            button . style . color  =  textColorInactive ; 


The Code comes fro this tutorial:

Thanks for helping😊

Hi @stschuele ,

Can you post the page url that contains this page?

Also, do you see any error on the console?

Hi, I’ve fixed it.

if you run this code on preview mode, it doesn’t work. After I published the side, it works.

so everything is fine.:+1: