Multi-State Box Issue

We have Multi-State boxes on two pages of our website. For some odd reason when these pages are accessed through email or social media, they Multi-State boxes stop working. They also don’t remain consistent. Sometimes they work sometimes they don’t. Is there anyway to fix this?

Do you have any code there?

It might be better to show how it doesn’t work with image or etc…
if you don’t have any velo code about multi-state boxes, that can be bugs, if so you can report that phenomenon to wix team through wix Editor.

Also, if the unsupported wix app is still installed in your account, it is recommended to delete it properly. In the past I have been able to solve some mysterious collapse() problem with that operation that seems unrelated to velo code.

Replying to J. D.
There is below is the code for one page

$w ( “#button54” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” );}); $w ( “#button76” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” );}); $w ( “#button55” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button88” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” );}); $w ( “#button56” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” )}); $w ( “#button100” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button57” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” )}); $w ( “#button112” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button58” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State6” )}); $w ( “#button124” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button59” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State7” )}); $w ( “#button136” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button60” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State8” )}); $w ( “#button148” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button61” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State9” )}); $w ( “#button160” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button62” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State10” )}); $w ( “#button172” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button63” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State11” )}); $w ( “#button184” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button64” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State12” )}); $w ( “#button196” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button198” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State13” )}); $w ( “#button221” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State1” )}); $w ( “#button74” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” )}); $w ( “#button87” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button73” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” )}); $w ( “#button99” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button72” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” )}); $w ( “#button111” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button71” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State6” )}); $w ( “#button123” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button70” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State7” )}); $w ( “#button135” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button69” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State8” )}); $w ( “#button147” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button68” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State9” )}); $w ( “#button159” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button67” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State10” )}); $w ( “#button171” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” )}); $w ( “#button66” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State11” );}); $w ( “#button183” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” );}); $w ( “#button65” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State12” );}); $w ( “#button195” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” );}); $w ( “#button199” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State13” );}); $w ( “#button220” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State2” );}); $w ( “#button85” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button98” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button84” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button110” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button83” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State6” );}); $w ( “#button122” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button82” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State7” );}); $w ( “#button134” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button81” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State8” );}); $w ( “#button146” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button80” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State9” );}); $w ( “#button158” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button79” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State10” );}); $w ( “#button170” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button78” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State11” );}); $w ( “#button182” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button77” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State12” );}); $w ( “#button194” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button200” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State13” );}); $w ( “#button219” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State3” );}); $w ( “#button96” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button109” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button95” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State6” );}); $w ( “#button121” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button94” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State7” );}); $w ( “#button133” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button93” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State8” );}); $w ( “#button145” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button92” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State9” );}); $w ( “#button157” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button91” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State10” );}); $w ( “#button169” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button90” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State11” );}); $w ( “#button181” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button89” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State12” );}); $w ( “#button193” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button201” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State13” );}); $w ( “#button218” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State4” );}); $w ( “#button107” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State6” );}); $w ( “#button120” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button106” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State7” );}); $w ( “#button132” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button105” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State8” );}); $w ( “#button144” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button104” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State9” );}); $w ( “#button156” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button103” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State10” );}); $w ( “#button168” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button102” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State11” );}); $w ( “#button180” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button101” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State12” );}); $w ( “#button192” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button202” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State13” );}); $w ( “#button217” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State5” );}); $w ( “#button118” ). onClick (() => { $w ( ‘#statebox8’ ). changeState ( “State7” );});

I reached out to wix team and they said that is a Velo code issue.

And that I was supposed to receive an email from someone on the Velo team in order to assist with this issue, but I have gotten 0 contact

Is it inside $w.onReady?

$w.onReady(() => {

Is there any error in the dev tools console?

Nope, and when $w . onReady (() => { //here })
is added to the the code the entire code stops working

  1. It muse be inside $w.onReady

  2. Have a look at the dev tools console and see what error it logs.