My new web design: car listing

Hello. This is my new web design for my client. This website help user can find the best car, red review. I am using wix CMS in oder to store all of the contents.

I have plan to launch this website on the next week. Anyone comment?

Here is this:

Thank you.


Great Work Steve. Did you made this in Wix ?

1 Like

What an interesting project. I have visited the site and I’m intrigued. Did you use an embed code to display the car listing? Or was it entirely built on Wix?

Pretty good and professional looking website!

One of the neatest sites of it’s kind I have seen on the Wix platform @stevehoanganh!

Really good job.


Looks great! Very nice and clean.

Thank you. Yes. All of the project are made on wix. I am using CMS to store all car data. I do not use any other app, all made by wix editor.

Thank @RobertHamilton alot

Thank you @Caleb_Jost

All the project are made by wix. I do not use any other app or embed code to display car listing. The car listing is made by wix CMS.