My website is not responsive

Question: My website is not responsive I have designed my website and when i preview it both on mobile and pc it shows what i require but when i visit the website on an actual phone or pc its unorganized and looked scattered and different from what i see on the wix studio preview
[Clearly ask your question.]

Product: Wix studio
[Which editor or feature is your question most relevant to? e.g. Wix Editor, Wix Studio Editor, Editor X.]

What are you trying to achieve: I am trying to make it work and responsive
[Explain the details of what you are trying to achieve. The more details you provide, the easier it is to understand what you need.]

What have you already tried: I have tried designing for multiple px but it doesnt work
[Share resources, forum topics, articles, or tutorials you’ve already used to try and answer your question.]

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

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What’s the question?

My website is not responsive I have designed my website and when i preview it both on mobile and pc it shows what i require but when i visit the website on an actual phone or pc its unorganized and looked scattered and different from what i see on the wix studio preview

I am not using wix-studio yet, but normaly such things are the same for the ordinary Wix-Editor and Wix-Editor-X.

If it comes to mobile versions, wix has difficulties.

  1. Did you setup both versions in your Editor? (DESKTOP & MOBILE) ?
  2. I would recommend to generate specific pages just for using on mobiles.

This can help…

My website is not responsive - Could You provide a link and I will try to solve it but need to see it,


fluid website design seo ai
This is the website link

Why you think that your website is not responsive?

How you came to that conclusion ?

Das mit der flexiblen Bilddarstellung auf deiner Seite functioniert nur bis zu einem bestimmt Grad. Vermutlich hast du dich mit deinen BREAK-POINTS vertan oder was falsch gemacht.

Lies mal diesen Post hier, vielleicht kann er dir da weiter helfen…

this is part of the website homepage when i visit it on the web link

and this is the homepage when i preview it on wix studio

You can setup min and max. WIDTHs of your elements in different units.

whenever i try to publish the website it says ‘site not saved’ instead of site published

Please tell me how you solved the problem. I am having the same issue and I cant seem to figure it out for a while now.