Question: My website is not responsive I have designed my website and when i preview it both on mobile and pc it shows what i require but when i visit the website on an actual phone or pc its unorganized and looked scattered and different from what i see on the wix studio preview
[Clearly ask your question.]
Product: Wix studio
[Which editor or feature is your question most relevant to? e.g. Wix Editor, Wix Studio Editor, Editor X.]
What are you trying to achieve: I am trying to make it work and responsive
[Explain the details of what you are trying to achieve. The more details you provide, the easier it is to understand what you need.]
What have you already tried: I have tried designing for multiple px but it doesnt work
[Share resources, forum topics, articles, or tutorials you’ve already used to try and answer your question.]
Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]
My website is not responsive I have designed my website and when i preview it both on mobile and pc it shows what i require but when i visit the website on an actual phone or pc its unorganized and looked scattered and different from what i see on the wix studio preview
Why you think that your website is not responsive?
How you came to that conclusion ?
Das mit der flexiblen Bilddarstellung auf deiner Seite functioniert nur bis zu einem bestimmt Grad. Vermutlich hast du dich mit deinen BREAK-POINTS vertan oder was falsch gemacht.
Lies mal diesen Post hier, vielleicht kann er dir da weiter helfen…