Nasty surprises from wix almost every other day !

Today it is my dashboard pages. All of a sudden I wake up to see that they are missing. After a 30 mins or so call with the wix support folks, no resolution. Standard response, escalated to a higher department !

People at wix, if you are listening, your core customer base is small businesses that depend on their online presence of the sheer existence and survival.

A missing page for you may be just that, but for me it is inability to serve my customer which is lost revenue, which in turn may lead to me not able to pay back that business loan !

Almost every day I dread, what is going to be broken. Not because of my bad code, but because of this platform that I chose.

I have two pending tickets and not once in the last 1.5 years have I been given a resolution on time by you guys. I regret having chosen this platform. But I’m so deep in this now that I can’t afford to exit and build from ground up.

Thank you for your support.

Yes, ideed there were some issues on servers-connections today. You were not able to enter wix-sites. And yes, there a often such situations. But i also have to say, that Wix is growing almost from month to month → exposing new APIs, UPGRADING FUNCTIONS, or make DESIGN better.

Yes it is annoying, to have all that little issues, when UPGRADES are in work and i hope, that wix finaly will find a good solution for it.

But at all, no matter what wix do, i love it.

If wix also could stop this last annoying thing, then we all would love it even much more :wink:

@prashanthbhaskaran Are you still encountering these issues? Post the URL of your site and explain how and where to see the issue (or issues).

Please post the tickets that haven’t been resolved so I can check on them.

Hi Yisrael,
Thank you for your reply.
My current open ticket is Request 211943126
This has been open since 28th of May. Details in the ticket. As a work-around I had to host the Facebook authentication (oauth) logic out of WIX, as a firebase cloud function.
I still haven’t got the support team to understand what the problem is. Appreciate if you could push them. Also happy to be corrected if what I have communicated is not clear enough.

The second ticket, which is now resolved is ticket # 1048592016
This was about the missing dashboard pages.
What I like to highlight here is the lack of transparency from the support team. It is as if the problem magically disappeared.

This is the usual pattern that I have noticed. Once I raise a ticket, the tech team resolves it in some cases and then the helpdesk comes back with a reply saying they are unable to reproduce the problem!

Thank you again for looking into this, much appreciated.

Excuse me, but I’m not sure what the “nasty surprises” are.

Your ticket 1048592016 is resolved. From what I see, support was unable to reproduce the problem. It might have been a local issue on your network, a system glitch, a network issue, or whatever. The informed you that they were unable to reproduce, and you no longer have the problem. Resolved.

Your ticket 211943126 is not a simple matter and (from what I see) is still being investigated. The responses from Customer Care seem reasonable considering the complexity of the issue. Further, this does not appear to be a Wix issue, and up till now, support hasn’t been able to reliably reproduce the issue that you are having.

One thing I noticed, is that i n the fbCallForWixTesting() function, I think you need to handle the Promise of the returning JSON object. I’ve had this issue myself. For the fetch in line 122, I would suggest something like this:

 let resp = await response.json();
 console.log("Fetch response", resp);

There might be other coding issues that I don’t see, or it might be an FB networking issue.

Wow ! Didn’t expect such a quick defense.
Let me give you an analogy for your resolved response and then come back to the “might be an FB networking issue”.

Wix resolves an issue after the issue has caused me financial impact, yeah of course you don’t care about that, cos for you the issue is resolved.

FB networking issue: how long would it take for you guys to run this check from the server instance where my site is hosted and get to the root cause.

You expect me to go to FB and tell them, “hey my site is hosted by wix, but I dunno where, when I call your API from anywhere else it resolves fine, but when I run it from WIX’s server instance, it times out. So the expert from WIX says it could be a FB network issue, so please solve it for me”

Great response, again. Didn’t expect this. But now I know what to expect.

@prashanthbhaskaran I don’t care? A defense? No - it was merely an evaluation of your tickets, my understanding of what transpired, along with a code suggestion, since response.json() returns a Promise that wasn’t handled in your test code - “solve it for me”? Well, I was hoping that that did the trick.

An expert? Hardly. However, ask me about beer…

@yisrael-wix Thanks for the clarification.
If I do visit that part of the world, I will find you and ask you about beer :slight_smile:
Cheers :beers: