Need Help: Booking Timetable

Hi Wixers,
I need some help. I created the bookings timetable based off of the code samples, but the book now buttons do not work. I don’t seem to be able to do CSS or Js to fix this. Would someone be able to take a look at my site and let me know how to fix this?

This is the page:

Lost and Confused

Hi Caitlin, I also used the same code example. Did you copy the code exactly from the example site?
You need to make sure that the button IDs match the onclick function

BTW, a bite of note, you might want to make the repeater squares on the top either smaller or space them less, they are rendering on separate lines:

You also need to create the lightbox for this line of code:

			$item("#bookButton").onClick(event => {
				wixWindow.openLightbox("Booking Form", {
					slot: itemData,
					form: servicesMap[itemData.serviceId].form

@mennyg19 Thank you, Menny! I’ll give this a go.

I have tried this exactly as the tutorial page says, all ID’s are set, and it never works. I’ve tried this 5 or 6 times now over the past 2 weeks. Any advice?

I was wondering if anyone solved this?
I get to the point where the lightbox opens up,i enter some details but than nothing happens,and there is not error in the console.All elements have the same id and properties set as in the example.ANd I have a premium plan so I can process payments

Have you created the “thank you” page?

Hello Caitlin,
It seems that you succeed in changing the fields of the form related to wix booking data collection.
Could you help me to do the same?