Timetable Example - get Booking Link

So i am using the timetable example on my website
but i dont want to make a lightbox booking scheme right now, instead i want that the “Booking”-button redirect to the specific booking page.

e.g. → someone wants to book “ThisTour”, clicks on “Booking” button and gets redirected to

I know this information is in the “services” database within the “servicepageurl” or “booking flow entry url” column, but i dont know how to access this column to redirect there.

Code from the example:

else {
    $item("#bookButton").label = "Buchen";
    $item("#bookButton").onClick( event => {
    const url = servicesMap[itemData.serviceID].bookingsFlowEntryUrl;
    wixWindow.openLightbox("Booking Form", {
    slot: itemData,
    form: servicesMap[itemData.serviceId].form
} );

I would really appreciate help / solutions! It cant be that hard, but i dont get it.

You can pass the necessary parameters to the form’s page like this:

Use wix-storage , Use .setItem() to save the item to be passed and .getItem() to retrieve the item on the form’s page.

Add a query to the redirection URL . on the form’s page retrieve the query data using the .query property of wix-location.