Hello !
I need help for the options regarding my clickable images. My goal is that my image, once clicked, opens a sort of pop-up window (without changing page and without opening a link in another tab, I want to stay on the same page and all) that I can totally cuztomize (add text, links, other images etc)
I tried to play with the pop-up option, but it only appears once and can’t be attached to an element, only a page, so it doesn’t work.
I tried with the “open in expanded size” but then I don’t have enough space for text in the description and it’s not customizable at all.
I tried to attach a link/document to the image but then it wants to save the file on my computer or open a new tab, so no good either.
Redirecting on another page is no good either coz I don’t want that “pop-up” window to be accessible from elsewhere on the site.
Not gonna lie I feel cornered on this one =')
Thanks in advance for all the advices =)
How about setting clickAction to expand:
$w("#myImage").clickAction = "expand";
Thank you I think a lightboxe might get me closer to what I’m looking for indeed =)
Hi ! I tried this, unfortunately the expand action only makes my image looks bigger and I need it to just be a clickable button to show a lot of informations including pics and text and stuff…
So far I went with a lightbox but I can’t add a scroll bar so it’s problematic coz it’s too small =/
I don’t know if I’m really clear about what I’m aiming for… for the information, I’m making characters sheets for a fantasy work so the goal is that when a visitor click on the icon of a charcater, they can access all kind of illustrations and infos about them.
Regardless, thank you for your time =)
@black-feather The Lightbox is your best bet. Make it larger to handle bigger content. You canals make it transparent so that the content determines what is shown over the page.
You might consider using a Box element, however that will require considerably more work on your part to create and manage it.