So two things:
1.) I’ve been trying to recreate / reverse engineer this scroll effect from this template seen in the section entitled ‘Our Focus Areas’ to no luck. Here’s the link to that template:*MjcyNzgyMjI5LjE2NzI5MTY2NzU .
I’ve been messing with the sticky effect but I think I might be missing something? Does anyone happen to know how or have a link to a youtube tutorial that might help? I’m not sure if I’m using the right terminology to search.
This is my first time working with EditorX, I’m enjoying being able to readjust the placement of each item freely and see where that brings me, but it seems like what looks perfect / great in editing mode looks super janky in the published version. I’ve got pictures, texts, and buttons either condensed/overlapping or overflowing from its designated areas and containers! No idea why this is happening!
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you!