Need help to connect and display Wix Pro Gallery in the lightbox by clicking the repeater

Hi I’m using the below script to load Wix Pro Gallery in the light box through the repeater

naming conventions and the fields details
Repeater name - > container9
Lightbox name - > ExGallery
on ExGallery (Lightbox)
Wix Pro Gallery → WPGallery
WPGallery connected to Exhibition database: Gallery (Media Gallery)
Text box → text12

Main database name → Exhibition
Dataset on both the sections is in name dataset1
Fields in database
→ gallery - (Media type) consists 4-6 product photos
→ projectName - (Text) Title of Project

Issue:- On clicking the repeater, Lightbox popup → text12 gets updated with respect to projectName, but there is no change to the Wix Pro Gallery. Please help in doing this in the right way. - Thanks in advance Sameer

The script I’m using on the Repeater page
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
export function container9_click ( event , $w ) {
wixWindow . openLightbox ( ‘ExGallery’ , $w ( ‘#dataset1’ ). getCurrentItem ());

The script I’m using in Light Box
import { lightbox } from ‘wix-window’ ;
$w . onReady ( () => {
let db = lightbox . getContext ();
$w ( “#text12” ). text = db . projectName ;
$w ( “#WPGallery” ). items = [{
“type” : “image” ,
“src” : db . gallery ,


import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady( () => {
    let toSendData = $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem(); console.log(toSendData);

    $w('#container9').onClick(()=>{wixWindow.openLightbox('ExGallery', toSendData);});

import {lightbox} from 'wix-window';

$w.onReady( () => {
    let lbData = lightbox.getContext(); console.log("Recieved LightBox-Data: ", lbData);
    $w("#text12").text = lbData.projectName;
    $w("#WPGallery").items = [{
        "type": "image",

The data you want to put into your GALLARY-Element must look like…

$w("#myGallery").items = [{
        "type": "image",
        "title": "A View",
        "src": "wix:image://v1/99bc1c6f66444769b531221214c885ac.jpeg/A%20View.jpeg#originWidth=3264&originHeight=2448"
        }, {
        "type": "video",
        "description": "Another beautiful view",
        "title": "Another View",
        "src": "wix:video://v1/80c05f_e2c524db1f264178a8558c92dbf76fb0/_#posterUri=80c05f_e2c524db1f264178a8558c92dbf76fb0f000.jpg&posterWidth=1920&posterHeight=1080"

An ARRAY filled with OBJECT-DATA.
Very similar to REPEATER-DATA.

Chek what you get in console as OUTPUT for …

console.log("Recieved LightBox-Data: ", lbData);