I set up a basic product reviews system based on a video i saw on youtube using a database. However the reviews are showing on all pages and the reference to collections isnt working.
Do I need to follow the Corvid Reviews tutorial from scratch or is there any way to use what ive done till now ?
Please do make any recommendations as to how i can fix this.
Thank you very much
Screenshots of the database fields are attached
If you are doing it through Wix Stores and adding it to your Product Page, then it will appear on all of your Product Pages, however it should show only the product ratings and reviews for the product that is currently displayed on the page.
See here for more on how the Product Page in Wix Stores works.
Which tutorial you use is your own choice.
You can use the tutorial from Michael Strauch (Wix Expert)
Wix Ecommerce | Adding Product Reviews To Your Wix Online Store | Part 8
Please note that if you use Michael’s tutorial you will have had issues with it and therefore you should have read the comments on his youtube channel as the tutorial needs to be updated, of which he is working on it.
Or you can use the Wix tutorial for adding ratings and reviews to your Wix Stores.
Corvid Tutorial: Adding Ratings and Reviews to a Wix Stores Site
If Michael’s tutorial does not work for you, then I would suggest that you use the Wix tutorial and follow the steps slowly and carefully and make sure that you copy the code carefully and make sure that your elements id names or field names/keys etc are correct in the code.
It would be easier if you set up the two datasets needed for this the same as the Wix tutorial and the same with any elements id name that is used on the code itself. That way you can just copy the code without having the issue of having to go back through it all and having to change parts to suit your own site.
Thank you so much for the prompt response !
Will try and use the Corvid tutorial to update my review system.
Thanks again !