So I have a client who wants a button on her website where people can make payments based on their bill-- so if the bill is $39.55, they can type that in and pay, and same with any other amount. This would be linked to the backend Wix Payments module so it would act like a purchase on the Wix Store. How would I do this?
Wix has a pay button app that can be passed a custom dollar amount. Here’s the link to the app: Pay Button | Wix App Market |
and you can call createPayment and pass the custom payment amount createPayment - Velo API Reference -
Okay, so then the customer could put in the amount? I need it to be able to be entered on the customer side.
correct. Check the third example on the create payment documentation called Create a new payment with user information
You should be able to just call the createPayment function from the front end and pass in a price value that is defined by an input field.
PERFECT, thank you!!