This seems like it would be simple without Velo but I can’t figure it out so here I am. I have a client who has a non-profit and they want to add a donate button. They use Wix Payments so they cant use the Paypal button and the Wix Pay button doesn’t have an option for custom amounts. I know I could do it using a form but then she would need an Ascend account. Can I customize the Wix pay button to allow customers to enter their own amount or could I build one from scratch? Any help is appreciated.
Hey @gardinerandrew ,
You certainly can!
Check this Velo example and you can modify the value of the price to the textbox where the user enters the amount.
Thanks for the response! Is there anywhere that explains how to modify value to a textbox input? Sorry, I am sure this probably seems simple from where you are sitting, I am just trying to figure out if I could still achieve this with 0 programming knowledge. I’ve followed videos to make a shrinking header with Velo before but this seems like a little more intensive.