Need to reload page to show a "show in all pages" element


I recently started using Corvid because I wanted to create a text-box that would show only in some pages with the “show in all pages” option.

The code works just fine, the text-box doesn’t appear in the pages I selected but when I go to the pages where I wanted the text to show, it doesn’t. However, if I refresh the page it shows it right after.

I tried pinning the text-box to the site and it still doesn’t work. Any idea what could be happening?

Thanks in advance

Are you doing it through Wix Editor?
Then make sure you haven;t got it setup as described on the pages above so that it is disabled.

You are better off doing it in code with show and hide.
If this is going to be site wide, then place the code in your site tab so that it applies to your whole site. Then on your page code simply add the show call on the pages that you want it to be shown.

Or you can have the element set as hidden on load or collapsed on load in the properties panel, so that it is only shown on the page when you use the show or expand call in your code.$w.HiddenMixin.html$w.CollapsedMixin.html

It worked! Thank you so much!

I was originally using the hide call in the Wix Editor. I went for your second suggestion and set the element as collapsed in the site tab -not the properties panel. Then I used the expand call to make the element visible in the pages I wanted it to be seen. I tried the show call first but it wasn’t working neither. But this coding nightmare is over thanks to you.

hey Pepe Iam running to the same problem, item only showing after reloading the page i did not understand what u did to solve it, i read two articles that the Gos sent nothing there at all, pls help on this one

Please add your own post rather than bumping up an old thread from last year, along with any code (in a code block) that you have used for this so far.