New Customization Options for Your Blog

You can now customize the layout of your ‘All Posts’ feed and your category pages to give your blog that perfect look. You can now choose from 6 new layouts that allow you to customize design elements of your blog.

What can you customize?

  • The Image Ratio for each post

  • Post size: This allows you to control the number of cards per row.

  • Spacing between posts: Allows you to control the spacing between posts.

  • Text box height: After changing display settings or font size, you can use text box height to ensure your box is the optimal size for the content.

  • Feed margins: This allows you to adjust both right/left and top/bottom margins at once.

  • Text padding (left to right): Allows you to adjust the space between the text and the border of the text box.

  • And much more!

Click here to view all additional options.

#WixBlog #FeatureUpdates

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Awesome work guys!! Will check it out right away :grin:

This is fantastic. I’m so happy you’ve done this.

Thanks for the feedback Kate! Hope you enjoy the added features. :slight_smile: