New Quote builder for shopping cart

We really need a quote builder for shopping cart wix store. Not all companies like publishing their prices online. The ability for a customer to build there own quotes and send for pricing, would be amazing. Then we update their quote in the portal with the pricing for them.


Even the ability to send quotes to their portal, with them contacting us from direct email.

Why don’t you build it in Wix Code, totally doable

Because I don’t code:)

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It isn’t even because we don’t want to share prices. The shipping options are not sufficient to quote on large items, like the ones we sell. We check freight companies for best quote and add to the price. Also, if someone buys multiple items, I want to give them a better price to do the same again. If the cart pushes to quote, then freight and discounts can be applied and then quote pushed through to payment. I am sure it is not difficult… if you know how. I don’t know how.

In fact, changing the shipping terms to include “request shipping quote” or “quote required” would be ideal.

How this could be done?

Hi Samantha,
have you figured out a solution for this problem? I have a similar problem with a website i am designing



If there is any information on ways to do this, I would be very grateful in knowing. Thank you.

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Hey @bigred72101

It can be difficult to setup Request a quote with code. With Request Quote for Stores, you can do the same by simply adding the widget to product page. It comes with a pre-built form where you can collect lead info and view them in Wix dashboard.