Note: With the release of the new pages described below, this Category will be locked. All feature requests should go to the new Wishlist Page , which is the official place for feature requests. Existing feature requests that are posted here will be moved to Wishlist .
We are excited to announce that we have released new pages on the Velo website. These pages reflect the flow of new and upcoming features, and will help you track your requested features.
You can find the pages under ‘Features’ in the Velo website menu.
Wishlist is the new official platform for requesting new features. You can vote, comment, and track the status of the requested features.
Requested Feature Page (which is an inner page of Wishlist) gives you the opportunity to comment, vote, and subscribe to the feature so that you can receive updates.
Updates Page shows all of the newly released Velo features.
Roadmap is a replacement of the Velo “coming soon” page, which shows what’s next in line to be released.