I am recreating my old forms with the new WIX Forms (the drag and drop editor). Is there a way to block off weekends from the Date Picker?
The old forms had an easy way to select the days of the week I wished to disable/enable… The New Forms do not have this function.
I am a novice with coding.
Wix Editor
What are you trying to achieve:
I would like to block off the current day, and weekends from the date picker. Prevent the user from choosing today, Saturday and Sunday.
What have you already tried:
I references this:$w/date-picker/disabled-days-of-week
and tried:
$w("#myDatePicker").disabledDaysOfWeek = [0, 6];
and $w("#date_picker_162a").disabledDaysOfWeek = [0, 6];
However, this does not seem to work.
In the screenshot of my code, you will notice that I disabled a few lines of code from my old form. If some of these lines need to reactivated, please let me know.
Additional information:
See images