Next Item display in Repeater using Button

I am trying to go to next item in my collection by adding a Next Button in my Repeater. I have a Repeater #studentDetailsRepeater connected to Dataset #studentReviewDataset and I am filtering it using another Repeater #listAllApplicantsRepeater connected to Dataset #applicantListDataset. Both connected to the same collection CourseRegsitration. I have a button #nextButton inside Repeater #studentDetailsRepeater and I am trying to have this Repeater display the next item in the collection. Please could somebody help! I am very new to coding and I am learning while using Velo. I tried to go through Velo API next() function but I couldn’t understand head or tail of the code example. Would be great if somebody pointed me in the right direction.

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if you would like to setup the next page, on Title you can add button and connect it to dataset and next page:

thanks Tatan. I got this to work

Andrew thank you! :heart: