No code works

Hello, I’m not sure if I’m missing something completely obvious but none of the various bits of corvid code I try seems to work. Do I have to some how enable it at a site level or anything like that? I turn on the Corvid Dev Mode but then any code I try seems to have no effect.

Lately I started another site from scratch just to try and test to see what’s going on. The site has a single page with nothing but a piece of text (#text1) saying “Hello World”. I tried to write a bit of code to change the text but it seems to have no effect. The code is:

$w.onReady(function () {
 //TODO: write your page related code here...
    $w("#text1").text = "Goodbye";

Any ideas why this code is not doing anything? I’ve experimented with buttons and show/hide, etc but nothing seems to have any effect.

Another strange issue (not sure if related or not) is that if the Corvid Dev Mode is enabled the “Preview Site” functionality seems to stop working? I click it but all the controls, grid lines, properties box, etc remain on the screen and I can still click on the elements to adjust their properties? If I haven’t enabled the dev mode then the “Preview Site” seems to work ok. This isn’t normal behavior is it?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

Try deleting the $w onReady function code

Instead of deleting the $w.onReady-Code-Part… check this…

$w.onReady(function() {console.log("Your page is ready!")
	console.log("Hello world here i am!");
  1. Publish your website.
  2. Open CONSOLE in your Browser.
  3. Take a look onto given RESULTS.

If you see → “Your page is ready!” & “Hello world here i am!”
Then the code works like it should.

If still no results given, then you have a problem, which can only be resolved by Wix-Team (like i asume it).

Never delete the onReady-Part!

EDIT: I did not pay attention onto the publishing DATE of this post! → OLD one!

@EggWebTut It does not make any sense to answer to posts which are 2-years old!

Yeah, I didn’t pay attention to the publishing date either!!