Hi everyone,
If any of you are looking for a comprehensive course in Corvid that teaches you how to code a website from scratch using Corvid code and Wix, I have created such a course!
The course is called " Complete Guide to Corvid Code for Wix: Go From Zero to Hero! " and is suitable for beginners.
A link to the course is below.
All the best with your website endeavors!
Will Fourie
Does the course talk about coding on the ecommerce templates as well?.. so far i see it related to job seeking but I am looking for some orientation on thw ecommerce templates. Thank you
I just finished your course, Will, and you did a spectacular job on it! It was well worth $30 and I put it to practice right away in a project for a non-profit I volunteer for. I like how it is step-by-step, with no skipping or fast-forwarding, just great for Corvid beginners like me.
I wish you did a second one like that, on other useful functions. Because I want to learn Corvid more but I don’t see any other course that actually teaches you in a progressive step-by-step patient manner. There are individual videos on pin-pointed functions that assume you already know what this or that line of the code means. And they fast-forward a lot, it’s hard to actually understand and learn from it. So, if you do make a second course, I’m in.