Order Number into Dataset

A bit of a beginner here, but I’ve managed to solve most of my problems before getting to this point…

I added a datepicker to my checkout page to force customers to choose a date before moving on to order (only workaround I could come up with to accomplish this).

So, what happens is:

  1. customer goes to cart
  2. cart is ‘hidden’ (code) and they must select a date and submit.
  3. on submit, the cart is un-hidden and the date they chose is static. They can then continue to order.

When they submit, it adds a line to a dataset including the cart id, date chosen, and line items.

It all works perfectly as I’ve tested, but I can’t figure one thing out…

The information I’m putting in the dataset is great and all, but it would be even more useful if I could add the order number to the same line in the dataset so it has some meaning/an easier way to cross-reference the order# with the date they chose. I can then throw that into a dynamic page…

Here’s a quick sum of the behavior:

^^(I would like to add a column here to take the order #, if I can find out if there’s a way to get it there…)

So is there a way, once they click “Checkout” to and complete the order (and finally have an order # assigned), to pass the order number to that same line of the dataset? I assume this might have something to do with ‘hooks’ (as I mentioned, I’m a little green, so I’m pretty pleased I got this far).

Having this would also help to filter out anyone that abandons at this point, since those would not have an order number…

Thank you so much!