Does Wix disable full text RSS feeds for a blog section if it is getting called to frequently?
We are trying to generate a full text RSS feed by appending blog-feed.xml to our blog URL. It was working fine for a couple of days, but now it only displays links.
I searched in the forums and couldn’t find any other instances of this happening. Also tried clearing cache, cookies and different browsers. Same result.
Appreciate any help and support!
Correct - the full content is no longer returned to align with the industry standards for what is returned in the RSS feed.
If you’re needing the full content, you might be able to expose an HTTPS function that can be called and will return the full content 
Do you have instructions on how to do this? The change that was made with no warning to anyone on WIX is causing significant problems for me utilizing NewsBreak. Frankly, this might be it for me on WIX. I need to return my website to full content.
What should I do? I have a news portal and we distribute through FEED news to other digital media and now they are all calling me 
I was just told in a support email from WIX that we can essentially go pound salt. They did not ask their customers if they wanted this change and now are allowing no options to get it back. I have informed that that if this does not change, I will be leaving the hosting platform.