Page Number Limits

Are there any page number limits applied to Studio built sites?

The 100 web page limit in Editor has always been an issue, so hoping this platform can actually be scaled if required.

Hey @Splashweb!

Yes, just like the Wix Editor, Wix Studio has a 100-static page limit.

If you haven’t already, I’d recommend checking out Dynamic Pages, which allows you to efficiently handle a large amount of content while painting a consistent design and user experience - CMS: About Dynamic Pages | Help Center |

Hi @noahlovell, thanks for the info, but this is really disappointing and somewhat surprising. I’ve looked at the Dynamic pages previously, but they are way to restrictive as they’re fully templated.

So, basically, it’s bespoke or WordPress or if you want a site with more than 100 pages! :frowning:

I mean how does anyone need more than 100 completely unique pages? Surely some of them share a similar design/content style? What do you specifically need your pages to do differently to each other that you can’t use dynamic pages for (some or more likely most of) it?

Dynamic pages can also be pretty unique in themselves using stuff like Rich Content or a little bit of code to ensure only certain elements will show on certain pages if they meet a particular criteria meaning 1 dynamic single page could look very different to the exact same base dynamic template across your site!

There’s no way you’re intending on manually updating the look and info of 100 + unique pages on your site over time surely? It just makes sense to use dynamic pages for these exact reasons. It’ll save you a great deal of work and headaches in the long run, plus all your actual content that matters will be neatly stored in a database that is easy to export rather than hundreds of text and image elements or whatever that you’d have to copy and paste or individually save from your site if you ever wanted to move it elsewhere or start again in the future.

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@themusingsofmaars you make some valid points there, but when a client has a broad product range, across multiple sectors, it’s hard to present them without touching this limit. I have an idea I can use as a workaround, which IMO will probably offer a better UX, but it’s the clients decision in the end, and right now they’re pushing for more pages. Coding isn’t a realistic option for me.

I’m pitching a solution to them this week, let’s see how it goes!

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