Is there a way I can add page permissions for event attendees?
If not, can it be added to a #featurerequest please?
I have pages such as leaderboards for challenge type events and like them visible only for participants, rather than create role permissions per entrant, it’d be great to pre set the permissions with multiple events in the series, this way when they register, they have immediate access and not wait to be manually added.
I’m aware it can be done from plans, but that’s not what I’m looking for here.
Thank you for your feedback!
This might be the request you’re looking for.
Don’t think so,
I want to have a protected page, with selected permissions.
Currently I can have public, password protected or select from member roles, or select from paid plans.
I would like to have, select from events added.
Thanks, but doesn’t do what I need. I’m getting close though.
The main problem really is the inability to handle .gpx files correctly.
If that was sorted, everything else would/could be made to function.
I currently link externally for those stored in a shopify account, I either need to handle them and bring all files across or move everything over there. (I’ve been putting that off for a couple of years now, It’s the last important feature I need one way or the other)
Did you post your question in the Wix Corvid Forum or contacted the support team?
Yes, asked the support team, haven’t asked in Covid forum though.
Try the Corvid Forum, they have great developers that can help you =)