Feature Request: Permissions for managers of Wix Events

As a web designer, I retain the “owner” permission on the sites I create for my clients. And anyone who has worked with website clients understands how important it is to establish appropriate permissions for the staff within a client’s organization. Granting too much access to too many people can of course become disastrous.

My client’s organization currently has a full time employee whose job is to add and manage their events. (They put on online workshops across the globe.) We just started using the Wix Events App . But currently, the ONLY person allowed to add and manage a Wix Event is the ‘site owner’ – me . This is a big problem for us since I cannot make it my full time job to become my client’s new event manager. Likewise, it’s not feasible to just give my client’s employee my own Wix account login information as that would give him access to dozens of other client sites.

I know I can grant an “Assist Check-Ins” permission, but this is different from adding and managing events.

If I knew the Wix Events app had this large of a missing piece, we would not have started using it, but we’ve already sunk weeks into implementing this new system.

Can I send out a very very ardent plea that this permission specification be added so that my client is able to go on running their business this week?

Hi there, I believe a site admin will be able to do this.

Have you explored creating a custom role? You can learn more here .

Hi Steven :slight_smile: Right, you’d think that would be the case huh? But for whatever reason, the particular permission for access to add and manage events is ONLY given to the singular site owner. I’ve tried every which way of both preset and fully custom roles, and none of them allows anyone but me (the 1 site owner) to add events. :confused: