Hello, I’ve been having issues with one page running slow on Chrome/Opera(especially mobile) but lightning quick on any apple device.
It’s just theres a slight delay when typing and an animation at the top of my screen lags. On iphone and safari the site is perfect and responds instantly.
Is there any known faults or does anyone know how to fix this?
Hi @mitch-v
Hadar here from the EditorX team.
Have you tried contacting support? If not, it will be best if you contact support here , they will be happy to bring up your site and help you with this issue.
Thank you. I will do. Sometimes I just think it’s best to use forums so hopefully it can help other people in the future(saving your tech team time so that they can work on more features).
Just for anyone who runs into this in the future, I had a repeated loading up 40 images(20 for unclicked and 20 for when an option is selected). These pictures let visitors show selectable fonts for customization of a product.
For some reason it did not like it in chrome, edge or opera but worked fine in safari and firefox.
I’ve now had the pictures changed to ‘live’ fonts which has sorted the issue.