Payment link to Bank app

Thanks for getting back here as well @loeiks ! :grin:

You’re right, I should’ve been clearer about my objective. My app will be:

Per wix-pay, I had dug up from older posts about breaking down within in-app browsers (eg. Facebook), UI being uncustomizable and other possible pitfalls in using lightbox.


  1. I wonder if the issues above still persist with wix-pay (which is why I was looking into more “versatile” options like Stripe)
  2. Will the wix-pay lightbox automatically show credit card+PayPal+Alipay buttons, if I’ve already set them up in the Accept Payments section?
  3. If #2 is indeed true, is it safe to assume that Wix Pay can securely handle payment details input (eg. card number) and transaction settlement for all 3 methods?

I would appreciate any foresight you could offer.
