Since there were these post here…
I think many of you will have problems to work with the following APIs…
- Authentication-API:
perhaps register() ,too.
- CurrentMember-API:
- getMember()
These are the two APIs which are involved in the described issue of the posts (on my opinion).
And after some further analasying researches, i want try to explain the issued sutuation.
To answer the following questions:
Why does the new Member-API do not work 100%?
What exactly is the reason for the instability of the new Member+Authentication-API?
How to fix the problem, without beeing forced to use the old and depricated Wix-Users-API?
Well to be able to explain the issued situation a little bit better, i have prepared a little TEST-ENVIRONMENT, which should simulate the issued situation, when it comes to the usage of the Wix authentication + wix-members-API.
So give Mr-Persident a like, if he could help you to solve your issue ……
How to use the example to see the ERROR?
Login with the given LOGIN-TEST-ACCOUNT.
Take a look onto console.
Log out again. -
Activate the SWITCH of the currentMember-API and do the same again, do not forget to take a look onto the given CONSOLE-LOG-RESULTS!
Log-out again! -
Now activate both SWITCH-BUTTONS to activate all included APIs and run the test again.
Take a look onto given CONSOLE-LOG-RESULTS!
To understand what this example wanted to tell you → you can show additional information by a click onto → SHOW-DETECTED-ERRORS-button.
So, i hope this example makes the issued situation more understandable for everybody.
I already tried to explain this in several different posts, but i think i was not able to give a precise and good understandable answer.
One person was already able to use this knowledge as a workaround…
Back to the questions…
Why does the new Member-API do not work 100%?
Well, like you perhaps have seen in the example, you don’t have any chance to get the ID after login the direct way.
The authentication . login - function…
import { authentication } from 'wix-members';
$w('#login').onClick(async () => {
const email = $w('#email').value;
const password = $w('#password').value;
try {
await authentication.login(email, password);
console.log('Member is logged in');
} catch (error) {
Don’t give you anything back as result, after you have logged-in.
Because of that, you will have to use (additionaly) → the getCurrentMember() - function/API…
import { currentMember } from 'wix-members';
// Sample options value:
// {
// fieldsets: [ 'FULL' ]
// }
.then((member) => {
const id = member._id;
const fullName = `${member.contactDetails.firstName} ${member.contactDetails.lastName}`;
return member;
.catch((error) => {
To get informations about the current logged-in user.
But even this do not work → 100%. The example demonstrates exacly this issue.
Using the following SETUP…
…you still won’t be able to get the → ID ← of the current logged-in-member …
…because → .then((member) => { ← do not provide any results after loggin!
!!! And here → onLogin()-function comes into game !!!
import {authentication} from 'wix-members';
authentication.onLogin(async (member) => {
const loggedInMember = await member.getMember();
const memberId = loggedInMember._id;
console.log(`Member ${memberId} logged in:`, loggedInMember);
Using the example and log-in with both activated functions, the login-starts to work and gives back USER-ID and all other data as RESULTS…
@Marlowe (Wix)
Perhaps you can connect to the right developement team, to test my example and proove my theoretical thoughts.
My conclusion:
Either the VELO-API-DOCs have to be changed, or the API itself has to be optimized → regarding either the login()-function of the → AUTHENTICATION-API, or regarding the → getMember()-function of the → CurrentMember-API (Members-API).