How do I use wixUsers Backend to get the logged in member's login email?

Since the wix-members-backend isn’t working that well, how would I use wixUsers to get the currently logged in member’s login email? Thanks in advance!

The issue with wix-members has been fixed. And imho you should proceed working with it and not with the deprecated wix-users-backend.

J.D. → fixed → like completely fixed?

I mean the currentMember.getMember(). Has that been fixed?

@russian-dima I thought so, but maybe I’m wrong (I haven’t tried).
Can you check?

Meanwhile - for the deprecated module, you can try:

import wixUsers from 'wix-users-backend';
export function getUserEmail(){
    return wixUsers.currentUser.getEmail();

I will test it on my Login-System tomorrow and give some feedback, stay tuned…

@jonatandor35 Thanks so much!

I tested the API on both ends (front & backend) and everything seemed to work just fine…



    let currentMember = wixMembers.currentMember; console.log("Current-Member: ", currentMember);
    let xxx = wixMembers.authentication; console.log(xxx)
    let member = await currentMember.getMember(); console.log("Member: ", member);
    let roles = await currentMember.getRoles(); console.log("Roles: ", roles);



export async function getMemData() {
    let roleID = "398fcea8-e71d-42cd-b60a-4907f6910b8f"; //VIP
    let memberID = "dcbea489-ea9f-41e7-9552-a241161739d6";
    let currentMember = await wixMembersBackend.currentMember;
    let authorization = await wixMembersBackend.authorization;
    let authentication = await wixMembersBackend.authentication;
    let BADGES = await wixMembersBackend.badges;
    let members = await wixMembersBackend.members;
    let member = await currentMember.getMember();
    let roles = await currentMember.getRoles();
    let badges = await BADGES.listMemberBadges([memberID]);
    let member2 = await members.getMember(memberID);
    return ({member:member, roles:roles, authorization:authorization, badges:badges, member2:member2});

But wait!!! Where is the e-mail ?

To solve your Problem —>> add OPTIONS (FULL) → this will activate the return of the FULL-CONTACT-DETAILS…

export async function getMemData() {
    let options = {
        fieldsets: [ 'FULL' ]
    let roleID = "398fcea8-e71d-42cd-b60a-4907f6910b8f"; //VIP
    let memberID = "dcbea489-ea9f-41e7-9552-a241161739d6";
    let currentMember = await wixMembersBackend.currentMember;
    let authorization = await wixMembersBackend.authorization;
    let authentication = await wixMembersBackend.authentication;
    let BADGES = await wixMembersBackend.badges;
    let members = await wixMembersBackend.members;
    let member = await currentMember.getMember(options);
    let Email = await member.loginEmail;
    let ContactDetails = await member.contactDetails;
    let roles = await currentMember.getRoles();
    let badges = await BADGES.listMemberBadges([memberID]);
    let member2 = await members.getMember(memberID);
    return ({member:member, contactDetails:ContactDetails, roles:roles, authorization:authorization, badges:badges, email:Email, member2:member2});

Unless you did not activate the → FULL ← member-details-option, you won’t get all user-/member-details!!!

After you added the → options ← you also get more INFORMATION about the current user.

So it seems that everything is working just well and the usage of the depricated wixUsers-API is not needed anymore.

BTW: Also the BADGE-ASSIGNING was woking well!

Hi Dima, is there a solution of this issue? Same problem - users have to reload a page then it woks fine.


I will take a look at it later once again. Perhaps it would also make sense, if someone could inspect it directly on your setup, or on somes-else setup (where it do not work).

I will give you feedback later. Currently working on another project.

To be continued…