I’m trying to make a pop-up that behaves exactly like the defaut lightbox available on Editor X - when a user visits the main page for the first time during that session a lightbox shows up. If the visitor is navigating through the site and goes back to the main page, the lightbox doesn’t show up again.
However, if the visitor refreshes the page, the lightbox will show up again.
What I don’t like about the default lightbox is that it blocks the background while it’s showing (maybe the Wix developers should add an option to stop the lightbox from blocking the background).
How can I make Wix identify if a visitor has visited the site for the first time during that session?
OBS: I don’t want the pop-up to show up only during the first visit ever of a visitor, but on all the first times he entered the site.
Thanks and I apologize about for my english.