Preset Database not working?

Hello again -
I tried using the TEAM preset database to make a page for our employees, however I have no idea why my fields are not showing up on the live site. I’ve already synced Sandbox with Live, even tried editing straight from Live and replacing Sandbox with Live, and nothing seems to work. I’ve attached a few photos about what my Sandbox, Live, and live site look like. Not sure what to do at this point.

On the live site, the photos and short description show but when I click on the profile, the website, rich text field labeled “desc”, wont show up.

The fields are all toggled as Visible, I’m so stressed - if someone can help me that would be awesome.


The issue here is that you are connecting your longDescription text to the field ‘Log Description’ that does not exist in the database anymore.

If you connect it to ‘Desc’ for example, everything is displayed correctly because ‘Desc’ field exists in the collection:

Please check what fields you are connecting to in order for your texts to display!

oh my goodness now i feel so dumb! thank you SO MUCH! you have no idea how stressed out i was, this is so new to me and i was feeling tired. thank you thank you! lifesaver!