Hi everybody, excuse my english i’m french so i will try to explicate my issue :
I put boolean in a form, everything work fine BUT on my dynamic page we see ‘true’ or ‘false’ where the text boolean must be.
I put ‘oui’ on the value of the checkbox…
I don’t know what to do to see ‘oui’ when the checkbox is validate.
Thanks a lot for help !!!
I guess the value will always be true or false because you can’t save a boolean with value oui or ja in the system. Create a function that you run before displaying data that converts boolean to the thing you want.
async function getValue(value){
if (value === true) { return “Oui”; } else if (value === false { return “No”; })
Then in your page just use it
$w(“#mytext1”).text = await getValue(item.fieldKey);
And it will show Oui or No…
Just make sure you connect your text to the checkbox value property and not to the checked or not value.
thanks for the answer !
So i try with the code it does’nt work and i connect my text to the checkbox value property i even try to put another text but still see the ‘true’ or ‘false’ … I didn’t know how to make appear the answer. Maybe i need to use something else than boolean
me too , I Tryed , But cant’t