Hi there, Wixers!
I’m using Wix Members on my site, and I noticed that the public profile page URL that is offered to Members on the ‘My Account’ page doesn’t work:
Instead, the Public Profile page URL shows up as:
That’s a problem because Members wont know this and so will try to share their public profile URL in the wrong format, leading to the dreaded Error 404 page.
Is there any way to fix this?
Any thoughts and comments are welcome!
This is an already known issue with Wix.
Plus as Wix Members is a Wix app and this forum is for code issues only, you are best suited going through Wix Support for more help.
Finally, if you are talking about the Community Page URL as shown here in the Wix Support page.
Then note that this is not a public profile, this is a profile that only other members can see when they are logged in themselves as stated on the page above and on all my account pages.
This is your own personalised URL that other members can see.
It can not be given out to the public to view it as they won’t have the permissions to view it without being a site member themselves.
For 404 errors check here.
By the way, just to let you know that all my members community urls work fine as they should.
if I am logged into my site and paste in the url of
…then it takes me straight to that members url page with the url shown as
If you are on the all members page through the Wix Members app, then when you click on any member then it will show https://www.mywebsite.com/profile/{id}/profile
So, putting it basically, if any member passes on their community url to somebody else as shown exactly like in the my account page, then it will work perfectly as it should do providing that the other person who is using the passed on community url is logged in as a member themselves too.
I get it now, so it’s a matter of being logged in as a Member vs navigating to the url as a normal user.
So I guess if I format the link with the public URL of a member’s profile, anyone can see it?
The data in the PrivateMembersData collection which is added when you add the Wix Members app, is site member author read only so that means only the member can view their own info from that collection.
Plus, as stated before, only logged in members can see the community urls that belong to each member that they can pass onto other members.
You can’t have a public profile which shows member info to all users unless you physically make one up yourself and put in that public profile ONLY the info that the site member has given your permission to show as public, so a member user input form asking what info they want to be shown as public would be a good idea.
You can either bypass through the backend the collection permissions and show what the members have stated that can be made public.
Or you can simply make up a dynamic public profile page with a user input form on it that your members can add their details to that they want to be put on their public profile.
This data can then be saved into a dataset that you can then use on your public profile page that all users can see and don’t need to be logged in to see either.
I want to delete the option for a community page URL entirely, is this possible ? My objective is just to make a very simple login proceedure to enter card details, address etc.
You can delete the Profile page, or just don’t include it in the site menu.
This forum is dedicated to Velo. For questions that are not related to code you can contact Wix Customer Care .