Problems with heading/banner image between desktop and mobile versions of my site

Does anyone know why my strip/banner image on my homepage is showing up twice on mobile and how to fix it?

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Remove the strip image showing up as a background image in mobile.

Hi @Samuel_Shin , you must have the element twice on the desktop layout. Possibly one is hidden. You can just hide the element you dont want on the mobile version also.

Either there are 2 images, one of which is hidden, or you have set the image to repeat. Select the image, open settings, and select “fit to section” or “fill to section”

That’s not it. It’s already set to Fill Section. And when I change the banner image, my original photo still shows up in the background.

Check whether it is set as the page background. Select page from layers and check bg in inspector panel.

Do the same with header background

Thanks! Didn’t know I could find it in the mobile version, but finally did.

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