Products CSV Template and Multilanguage

#CSV #Multilanguage

Hello Corvid Community,

since your profit much from multilanguage in your store, im added it. Now im in the need to change all my products (100+) into different languages.

Is there a way to translate the products in the CSV file? I hoped when i started with the multilanguage it will add a new column with an alternate name, as example product_en.

Best wishes,


This has nothing to do with my request or my question.


Yes it does as if you go to that link it is the Wix Support pages for Multilingual which will also show you this page:

You can’t translate your csv file through Wix as it is an external form that they have no control over, it has to be through Wix itself in the editor.

If you are wanting to translate your csv form before importing it into Wix, then either do it yourself or use a online translator or app.

@givemeawhisky I know how to translate my site, that wasn’t the issue at all. I just want a workaround to add multilingual via cvs. But as you already said, its not possible. Thanks, anyway.

Hi guys,
Looks like it’s still not possible to import translations of product pages in the Wix store. Does anybody know when this feature will be available ? I have 50 products with 20 fields to translate in 4 languages… the provided manual solution within the interface is definitely not acceptable.
Thanks !

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